Global Design Project - Sketch Challenge #gdp070

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So this happened on Monday...

 I am so excited to be creating for the next Global Design Project 'Colour Challenge'. And all because of those cute pineapples!
Thankyou GDP Design Team xox

Today's creation is for the Global Design Project 'Sketch Challenge' #gdp070
You can let your imagine go wild when it comes to a Sketch Challenge, and I love the Challenge for this week.

I have used some products from the 'Cool Treats Suite' featured in the Occasions Catalogue and my creation is very cool...
A fun way to use the 'Cool Treats' stampset, gorgeous 'Tasty Treats Specialty DSP' & 'Sprinkles Embellishments.
 The dainty white grosgrain ribbon is from the 'Sending Love Ribbon' combo pack, and it makes bows beautifully.
A closeup of the sparkly 'Sprinkles Embellishments' - they are so pretty, and look so lovely around the 'You're Cool' sentiment.
Thankyou for visiting. Have a cool day.
D x
Now is the perfect opportunity to join Stampin' Up!
Would you like to join my team? I would love you to join my team!
The best part of Sale-A-Bration is the part where you get 2 extra stampsets of your choice in your Starter Kit. Uh-huh!
Click here for all the information, or message me. I would love to help.
Below are all the products used for my 'You're Cool' creation. 
Click on a thumbnail to be taken to my Online Store.
While you are there, check out the NEW Occasions Catalogue available until January 4th-May 31st , 2017 
& the Sale-A-Bration Brochure January 4th - March 31st, 2017.
and not forgetting the Annual Catalogue.
Have fun shopping. 
*Australian Residents Only.
Product List:

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3 comments on "Global Design Project - Sketch Challenge #gdp070"
  1. Congrats on the win lovely! I love this card, it's sooooo cool! (Ok you can eyeroll, that was a terrible pun!) Thanks so much for playing along again to the Global Design Project. xo

  2. Congrats on being a guest designer - how fun!'Cool' card too for this weeks entry!

  3. Er, no YOU'RE cool! Look at this card! So crisp and fun. LOVE it! Congrats on your guest designer gig too. So well deserved. As always, it's so lovely to have you join in with this week's Global Design Project!
